20 years ago, like others who begin to actually read the Bible from front to back, we found it confusing to see a text box on the bottom of the page of our Bible in the book of Genesis stating that the term “Israel” had been replaced by the “Church” for God’s purposes. In reading the Old Testament and New Testament text, we could never find the proof or even any claim for such a bold statement. But like many Christians we just assumed that someone else with more Religious Theological knowledge researched that, so it must be truth.
When did YOU first hear about this “Replacement Theology”?
Having spent decades trying to reconcile this theology and in viewing the historical difficult, and often violent, relationship between the Church and “God’s People – Israel” we found increasing sources of Biblically based information which shed great truth and understanding, apart from tradition “just for tradition sake”.
Knowing that God poured out His Spirit so that all men and women would know the truth in their minds and on their hearts (Jeremiah 31:33) we hope to allow each person to discover these truths for themselves.
It is our desire to provide a platform for others who struggle with these areas to pursue their own basis of study, following what Jesus told the Samaritan women at the well in John 4:23 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when true worshippers will worship the Father in the spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks” (NIV)
We hope you will invest the time to read and prayerfully consider the materials which this site will provide on an ongoing basis to stimulate your walk with Him who is calling us all to greater relationship and into the Truth that truly sets us free.
God bless you, and may the eyes of your heart be opened to greater wisdom and understanding about His great plans for Israel and the Church.
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1. Galatians 3:29 does not exclude the Jewish people from their original covenant, promise and blessing as the natural seed of Abraham. This verse simply joins us Gentile Christians to what God had already started with Israel.
Refuting the erroneous viewpoint: “To be a son of Abraham is to have faith in Jesus Christ”
2. Romans 4:13 does not exclude Abraham and His natural progeny.
Refuting the erroneous viewpoint: “The promise of the land of Canaan to Abraham was only a “starter.”
3. Mal. 1:11 does not suggest God’s dealing with Israel was negated because His Name spread around the world.
Refuting the erroneous viewpoint: “The nation of Israel was only the seed of the future Church”
4. Matt. 21:43 s not talking about the Jewish people or nation of Israel.
Refuting the erroneous viewpoint: “Jesus taught that the Jews would lose their spiritual privileges, and be replaced by another people”
5. Rom. 2:28-29 does not support the notion that the Church replaced Israel.
Refuting the erroneous viewpoint: “A true Jew is anyone born of the Spirit, whether he is racially Gentile or Jewish”
6. Rom 11:17-23 is teaching that the olive tree is NOT the Church. We are simply grafted into God’s plan that preceded us for over 2,000 years.
Refuting the erroneous viewpoint: “Paul shows that the Church is really the same “olive tree” as was Israel, and the Church is now the tree”
7. II Cor. 1:20 teaches that no promise to Israel and the Jewish people in the Bible is figurative, nor can they be relegated to the Church alone
Refuting the erroneous viewpoint: “All the promises made to Israel in the Old Testament, unless they were historically fulfilled before the coming of Jesus Christ, are now the property of the Christian Church”
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